Приемная: +7 (34767) 6-55-05




PURPOSE: Capture by screwing on the outer surface and the subsequent extraction of the cylindrical elements of the columns when conducting fishing operations in wells.

When Herz-TS fishing thread bells cut the thread to catch the object at a certain length.

The design of the bell is a tube in the upper part of which has a connecting thread, at the bottom internal the fishing thread with taper.

The size range and the characteristics of the type K*:

der: 1px solid #00008b; background-color: #87cefa; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;" width="64">To 174-143 order: 1px solid #00008B; background-color: #ffffe0;" width="64"> dth="64">550
The name of the parameter To 58-40 To 70-52 To 82-60 To 103-85 To 110-91 To 125-103 To 135-113 To 137-105 To 194-149
Thread connection R to the extractor column according to GOST R 50864-96 Z-73 Z-73 Z-73 Z-88 Z-88 Z-88 Z-133 Z-133 Z-133 Z-133
Thread connection R1:                  
- according to GOST 632-82 - - - - 127 146 168 168 219 219
- according to GOST 633-80 89 89 102 В114 - - - - - -
The smallest inner diameter fishing thread dminmm 40 52 60 85 91 103 113 105 143 149
Maximum internal diameter fishing thread dmax, mm 58 70 82 103> 110 125 135 137 174 194
The outer diameter D, mm 90 90 102 122 132 148 170 170 220 220
Length L, mm 490 530 600 555 560 625 800 850 1100
Weight, kg 15 14 20 30 27 31 57 75 117 138

* dimensions are specified in the table for reference. It is possible to manufacture according to Your size and change the design to suit Your needs.

The size range and the characteristics of the type KS*:

e;" width="168">Name of parameter d #00008b; text-align: center;" width="64">S-88 olid #00008b; text-align: center;" width="64">127 olid #00008b; text-align: center;" width="64">90 ter;" width="64">15
To 58-40 To 70-52 To 82-60 To 103-85 To 110-91 To 125-103 To 135-113 To 137-105 To 174-143 To 194-149
Thread connection R to the extractor column according to GOST R 50864-96 Z-73 Z-73 Z-73 Z-88 Z-88 Z-133 Z-133 Z-133 Z-133
Thread connection R1:                    
- according to GOST 632-82 - - - - 146 168 168 219 219
- according to GOST 633-80 89 89 102 В114 - - - - - -
The smallest inner diameter fishing thread dminmm 40 52 60</td> 85 91 103 113 105 143 149
Maximum internal diameter fishing thread dmax, mm 58 70 82 103 110 125 135 137 174 194
The outer diameter D, mm 90 102 122 132 148 170 170 220 220
Length L, mm 490 530 550 600 555 560 625 800 850 1100
Weight, kg 14 20 30 27 31 57 75 117 138

* dimensions are specified in the table for reference. It is possible to manufacture according to Your size and change the design to suit Your needs.