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The subs safe

The subs safe

Non-safe type БРП1 designed for easy disconnect from the stuck tool or pipe when conducting fishing operations in the process of liquidation of accidents in the oil, gas and exploration wells.

der: 1px solid #00008b; text-align: center; height: 18px;">S-102 (NC 38)
Product designation Diameter, mm Length L, mm Connecting thread as per GOST R 50864-96 (API)
Exterior D Internal d Connecting thread 1 Connecting thread 2
БРП1 - 102 121 75 723 Z-102 (NC 38)
БРП1 - 133 165 75 815 Z-133 (NC 50) Z-133 (NC 50)
БРП1 - 108 108 45 590 S-86 (NC 31) Z-83
БРП1 - 108/108 133 70 721 Z-108 (NC 40) Z-108 (NC 40)