Приемная: +7 (34767) 6-55-05



PetroTool LLC has the certified modern equipped nondestructive testing laboratory to provide non-destructive testing services.

NDT methods offered:

  •  Visual and measurement control;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Magnetic-particle;
  • Electromagnetic;
  • Dye-penetrant

Types of activity

Inspection of the equipment and materials by non-destructive methods of testing in the manufacturing, installation, repair, reconstruction and technical diagnosis of oil and gas industry units.

Distinctive features of PetroTool NDT laboratory:

  • Efficiency request performance;
  • Flexible service prices;
  • Availability of modern control devices relevant to both Russian and international methods of control;
  • Using of electromagnetic scanning unit;
  • Availability of special equipment for washing and steam cleaning of inspection units under temperature of 130°C and pressure up to 200 bar.

Inspection carried out by specialists trained according to international standards ISO 9712 (equivalent to ASNT), and under NDC CR 03-440-02 of the Russian Federation.